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en:start [2013/06/23 08:28]
alex [Gishi no Mokusou]
en:start [2020/04/28 23:45] (current)
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-====== ​Gishi no Mokusou ​======+====== ​Welcome ​======
 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-Welcome to the Gishi no Mokusou wiki, home of [[.:​xboot:​]],​ [[.:​xgrid:​]],​ and [[.:​python-ivi:​]]! 
 [[.:​projects:​]] [[.:​projects:​]]
Line 12: Line 10:
   * [[.:​python-usbtmc:​]]   * [[.:​python-usbtmc:​]]
   * [[.:​python-vxi11:​]]   * [[.:​python-vxi11:​]]
 +  * [[.:​verilog:​]]
 +    * [[.:​verilog:​axi:​]]
 +    * [[.:​verilog:​axis:​]]
 +    * [[.:​verilog:​ethernet:​]]
 +    * [[.:​verilog:​mersenne:​]]
 +    * [[.:​verilog:​uart:​]]
 +    * [[.:​verilog:​wishbone:​]]
   * [[.:​projects:​ftjrev:​]]   * [[.:​projects:​ftjrev:​]]
   * [[.:​projects:​fpga-utils:​]]   * [[.:​projects:​fpga-utils:​]]
   * [[.:​projects:​nixie-clock:​]]   * [[.:​projects:​nixie-clock:​]]
 +  * [[.:​hdg2000:​]]
 [[.:​electronics:​]] [[.:​electronics:​]]
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 [[.:​linux:​]] [[.:​linux:​]]
 [[.:​photo:​]] [[.:​photo:​]]
-===== Blog ===== +===== Other Pages =====
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-===== GitHub ​=====+
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 +  * [[https://​gitlab.com/​alex.forencich|GitLab]]