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en:pcie:disable-fatal [2019/04/17 04:21]
en:pcie:disable-fatal [2020/04/29 08:00] (current)
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 To work around this crash, the error must not be reported to the OS or to the iDRAC. ​ To that end, PCIe fatal error reporting must be disabled on the switch or root port upstream of the FPGA.  Specifically,​ two bits must be cleared - SERR in the command register, and the fatal error reporting enable bit in the device control register in the PCIe capability. ​ The following script performs these operations on the switch port upstream of the specified PCIe device ID.  ​ To work around this crash, the error must not be reported to the OS or to the iDRAC. ​ To that end, PCIe fatal error reporting must be disabled on the switch or root port upstream of the FPGA.  Specifically,​ two bits must be cleared - SERR in the command register, and the fatal error reporting enable bit in the device control register in the PCIe capability. ​ The following script performs these operations on the switch port upstream of the specified PCIe device ID.  ​
-<code sh>+<​code ​bash pcie_disable_fatal.sh>
 #!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash