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en:verilog:uart:readme [2014/11/09 09:39]
en:verilog:uart:readme [2014/11/09 09:39] (current)
alex [Source Files]
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 Both interfaces also present a '​busy'​ signal that is high when an operation is taking place. ​ The receiver also presents overrun error and frame error strobe outputs. ​ If the data word currently in the tdata output register is not read before another word is received, then a single cycle pulse will be emitted from overrun_error and the word is discarded. ​ If the receiver does not get a stop bit of the right level, then a single pulse will be emitted from the frame_error output and the received word will be discarded. Both interfaces also present a '​busy'​ signal that is high when an operation is taking place. ​ The receiver also presents overrun error and frame error strobe outputs. ​ If the data word currently in the tdata output register is not read before another word is received, then a single cycle pulse will be emitted from overrun_error and the word is discarded. ​ If the receiver does not get a stop bit of the right level, then a single pulse will be emitted from the frame_error output and the received word will be discarded.
-===== Source Files =====+==== Source Files ====
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