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Verilog UART Readme


This is a basic UART to AXI Stream IP core, written in Verilog with MyHDL testbenches.


Source Files

    rtl/uart.v     : Wrapper for complete UART
    rtl/uart_rx.v  : UART receiver implementation
    rtl/uart_tx.v  : UART transmitter implementation

uart module

Signals and Parameters

      parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8 - define width of data bus and transferred words in bits
    Clock and reset
      input wire clk - clock input
      input wire rst - reset input
    AXI Stream Interface (TX)
      input  wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] input_axis_tdata - data input
      input  wire input_axis_tvalid - data valid input
      output wire input_axis_tready - ready for data output
    AXI Stream Interface (RX)
      output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] output_axis_tdata - data output
      output wire output_axis_tvalid - data valid output
      input  wire output_axis_tready - ready for data input
    UART Interface
      input  wire rxd - UART RXD input
      output wire txd - UART TXD output
      output wire tx_busy - operation in progress signal
      output wire rx_busy - operation in progress signal
      output wire rx_overrun_error - overrun error signal
      output wire rx_frame_error - frame error signal
      input wire [15:0] prescale - BAUD rate prescale value


The uart module is simply a wrapper around the uart_rx and uart_tx modules.

uart_rx module

Signals and Parameters

  • Parameters
    • parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8 - define width of data bus and transferred words in bits
  • Clock and Reset
    • input wire clk - clock input
    • input wire rst - reset input
  • AXI Stream Interface
    • output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] output_axis_tdata - data output
    • output wire output_axis_tvalid - data valid output
    • input wire output_axis_tready - ready for data input
  • UART Interface
    • input wire rxd - UART RXD input
  • Status
    • output wire busy - operation in progress signal
    • output wire overrun_error - overrun error signal
    • output wire frame_error - frame error signal
  • Configuration
    • input wire [15:0] prescale - BAUD rate prescale value


The uart_rx module implements the UART receive function. Bits received over the rxd pin are decoded and output on the AXI Stream interface. The baud rate is determined by the prescale setting, which should be set to Fclk / (baud * 8). prescale is a port and not a parameter so it can be changed at run time if necessary. The uart_rx module also generates frame and overrun error signals. The frame_error signal indicates that the stop bit was not received correctly, while the overrun_error signal indicates that a byte was received before the previous one was read, causing the older data byte to be overwritten.

uart_tx module

Signals and Parameters

  • Parameters
    • parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8 - define width of data bus and transferred words in bits
  • Clock and Reset
    • input wire clk - clock input
    • input wire rst - reset input
  • AXI Stream Interface
    • input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] input_axis_tdata - data input
    • input wire input_axis_tvalid - data valid input
    • output wire input_axis_tready - ready for data output
  • UART Interface
    • output wire txd - UART TXD output
  • Status
    • output wire busy - operation in progress signal
  • Configuration
    • input wire [15:0] prescale - BAUD rate prescale value

AXI interface

The main interface to the user design is an AXI4-Stream interface that consists of the tdata, tvalid, and tready signals. tready flows in the opposite direction. tdata is considered valid when tvalid is high. The destination will accept data only when tready is high. Data is transferred from the source to the destination only when both tvalid and tready are high, otherwise the bus is stalled.

AXI Stream Interface Example

two byte transfer with sink pause after each byte

              __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
    clk    __/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__
                    _____ _________________
    tvalid ________/                       \_______________________
           ______________             _____             ___________
    tready               \___________/     \___________/


Running the included testbenches requires MyHDL and Icarus Verilog. Make sure that myhdl.vpi is installed properly for cosimulation to work correctly. The testbenches can be run with a Python test runner like nose or py.test, or the individual test scripts can be run with python directly.

Testbench Files

  • tb/ - MyHDL AXI Stream endpoints
  • tb/ - MyHDL testbench for uart_rx module
  • tb/test_uart_rx.v - Verilog toplevel file for uart_rx cosimulation
  • tb/ - MyHDL testbench for uart_tx module
  • tb/test_uart_tx.v - Verilog toplevel file for uart_tx cosimulation
  • tb/ - MyHDL UART endpoints

Example Design

The included example design is targeted to a Digilent Atlys board. To build it, cd into example/ATLYS/fpga, make sure the Xilinx settings file has been sourced correctly, and run make.