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en:verilog:mersenne:start [2014/09/17 03:24]
alex [Introduction]
en:verilog:mersenne:start [2014/11/09 10:01] (current)
alex [Introduction]
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 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-Mersenne Twister PRNG with an AXI4-Stream interface. ​ Data can be read out on every cycle after seeding completes, resulting in 11.2 Gbps when running at 175 MHz.  Includes both 32 bit (mt19937ar) and 64 bit (mt19937-64) implementations along with original ​C and Python implementations. ​ Includes full MyHDL testbench with intelligent bus cosimulation endpoints.  ​+Mersenne Twister PRNG with an AXI4-Stream interface. ​ Data can be read out on every cycle after seeding completes, resulting in 5.6 Gbps for the 32 bit version and 11.2 Gbps for the 64 bit version ​when running at 175 MHz.  Includes both 32 bit (mt19937ar) and 64 bit (mt19937-64) ​synthesizable verilog ​implementations along with reference ​C and Python implementations. ​ Includes full MyHDL testbench with intelligent bus cosimulation endpoints.  ​
 32 bit version on a Spartan 6: 175 MHz, 4 BRAMs, 226 FFs, 412 LUTs 32 bit version on a Spartan 6: 175 MHz, 4 BRAMs, 226 FFs, 412 LUTs
 64 bit version on a Spartan 6: 175 MHz, 4 BRAMs, 388 FFs, 829 LUTs 64 bit version on a Spartan 6: 175 MHz, 4 BRAMs, 388 FFs, 829 LUTs
 +===== Documentation =====
 ===== Repository ===== ===== Repository =====