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en:python-vxi11:start [2012/10/27 05:46]
alex [Python-VXI11]
en:python-vxi11:start [2014/07/22 21:03] (current)
alex [Repository]
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-====== Python ​VXI11 ======+====== Python ​VXI-11 ​======
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-Python ​VXI11 is a Python implementation of the VXI-11 Ethernet instrument control protocol. ​+Python ​VXI-11 ​is a Python implementation of the VXI-11 Ethernet instrument control protocol. ​
 ===== Features ===== ===== Features =====
 +  * Pure Python
 +  * Supports Python 2 and Python 3
 +  * Easy to use
 +  * Compatible with VXI-11 and LXI instruments
 +  * Compatible with VXI-11 to GPIB bridges (HP E2050A, etc.)
 +  * Tested and verified on Linux and Windows
 ===== Documentation ===== ===== Documentation =====
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 ===== Repository ===== ===== Repository =====
-  * [[https://​github.com/​alexforencich/​python-vxi11|Python ​VXI11 on GitHub]] +  * [[https://​github.com/​python-ivi/​python-vxi11|Python ​VXI-11 ​on GitHub]]
- +
-===== Recent Commits ===== +
- +
-{{rss>​https://​github.com/​alexforencich/​python-vxi11/​commits/​master.atom author date}}+
 ===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
   * [[http://​www.vxibus.org/?​q=node/​206|VXI-11 specification]]   * [[http://​www.vxibus.org/?​q=node/​206|VXI-11 specification]]
-  * [[http://​pypi.python.org/​pypi/​python-vxi11|Python ​VXI11 on PyPI]]+  * [[http://​pypi.python.org/​pypi/​python-vxi11|Python ​VXI-11 ​on PyPI]]