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en:python-vxi11:readme [2013/02/17 21:06]
alex [Usage]
en:python-vxi11:readme [2013/12/17 08:24] (current)
alex [Usage Examples]
Line 4: Line 4:
 Python VXI-11 provides a pure Python VXI-11 driver for controlling instruments over Ethernet. Python VXI-11 provides a pure Python VXI-11 driver for controlling instruments over Ethernet.
 +===== Requirements =====
 +  * Python 2 or Python 3
 ===== Installation ===== ===== Installation =====
Line 24: Line 28:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Connecting to Agilent E3649A via HP 2050A GPIB bridge:+Connecting to Agilent E3649A ​on GPIB address 5 via HP 2050A GPIB bridge:
 <code python> <code python>
Line 32: Line 36:
 # returns '​Agilent Technologies,​E3649A,​0,​1.4-5.0-1.0'​ # returns '​Agilent Technologies,​E3649A,​0,​1.4-5.0-1.0'​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +It is also possible to connect with VISA resource strings like so:
 +<code python>
 +import vxi11
 +instr =  vxi11.Instrument("​TCPIP::​​INSTR"​)
 +# returns '​AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES,​MSO7104A,​MY********,​06.16.0001'​
 +<code python>
 +import vxi11
 +instr = vxi11.Instrument("​TCPIP::​​gpib,​5::​INSTR"​)
 +# returns '​Agilent Technologies,​E3649A,​0,​1.4-5.0-1.0'​