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en:python-ivi:readme [2014/02/12 20:27]
alex [Included drivers]
en:python-ivi:readme [2014/02/12 20:28] (current)
alex [Usage example]
Line 126: Line 126:
 # measure phase # measure phase
 phase = mso.channels['​channel1'​].measurement.fetch_waveform_measurement("​phase",​ "​channel2"​) phase = mso.channels['​channel1'​].measurement.fetch_waveform_measurement("​phase",​ "​channel2"​)
 +# save screenshot to file
 +png = mso.display.fetch_screenshot()
 +with open('​screenshot.png',​ '​wb'​) as f:
 +    f.write(png)
 +# save setup to file
 +setup = mso.system.fetch_setup()
 +with open('​setup.dat',​ '​wb'​) as f:
 +    f.write(setup)
 +# restore setup from file
 +with open('​setup.dat',​ '​rb'​) as f:
 +    setup = f.read()
 </​code>​ </​code>​