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en:projects:nixie-clock:history [2020/07/14 03:38]
en:projects:nixie-clock:history [2020/07/14 03:39] (current)
alex old revision restored (2011/02/19 15:06)
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 ====== Nixie Clock: History ====== ====== Nixie Clock: History ======
-{{ :​nixieclock-1.jpg?​500|Nixie Clock }}+;#; 
 +{{:​nixieclock-1.jpg?​500|Nixie Clock}} 
 In my senior year of high school, the [[http://​www.nutsvolts.com/​index.php?/​magazine/​issue/​2006/​10|October 2006]] issue of [[http://​www.nutsvolts.com/​|Nuts and Volts]] featured an article about a Nixie tube clock. ​ The [[http://​www.nutsvolts.com/​index.php?/​magazine/​issue/​2006/​09|previous issue]] had discussed a high voltage power supply built around a PIC microcontroller. ​ I had been experimenting with PIC microcontrollers for quite some time before and I was intrigued by the prospect of using a PIC microcontroller to generate a rather high voltage from a logic-level supply. ​ I didn't have much use for it, though. ​ After seeing the Nixie clock article, I now had the perfect application for it.  So, I bought several tubes off of ebay, direct from the Ukraine, and got to work. In my senior year of high school, the [[http://​www.nutsvolts.com/​index.php?/​magazine/​issue/​2006/​10|October 2006]] issue of [[http://​www.nutsvolts.com/​|Nuts and Volts]] featured an article about a Nixie tube clock. ​ The [[http://​www.nutsvolts.com/​index.php?/​magazine/​issue/​2006/​09|previous issue]] had discussed a high voltage power supply built around a PIC microcontroller. ​ I had been experimenting with PIC microcontrollers for quite some time before and I was intrigued by the prospect of using a PIC microcontroller to generate a rather high voltage from a logic-level supply. ​ I didn't have much use for it, though. ​ After seeing the Nixie clock article, I now had the perfect application for it.  So, I bought several tubes off of ebay, direct from the Ukraine, and got to work.