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en:linux:start [2020/05/06 03:20]
en:linux:start [2020/05/06 03:41] (current)
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 Here is a compendium of useful tips and tricks I have discovered pertaining to Linux. ​ Some are for Ubuntu specifically while some can be applied to any distro.  ​ Here is a compendium of useful tips and tricks I have discovered pertaining to Linux. ​ Some are for Ubuntu specifically while some can be applied to any distro.  ​
-  * [[ocrpdf|OCR unsearchable PDF files]] +  * [[ocrpdf]] 
-  * [[.:backup:|Backup scripts]] +  * [[.:​backup:​]] 
-  * [[searchodt|Search inside folder of ODT files]] +  * [[searchodt]] 
-  * [[arch_php_fcgid|PHP via FastCGI under Arch Linux]] +  * [[arch_php_fcgid]] 
-  * [[ssh_agent_screen|Getting screen and ssh-agent to cooperate]] +  * [[ssh_agent_screen]] 
-  * [[redshift_xfce|Running redshift under xfce]] +  * [[redshift_xfce]] 
-  * [[nfs_unique_machineid|Unique machine ID for nfs root systems]]+  * [[diskless_pxe_nfs]] 
 +  * [[nfs_unique_machineid]]