This is an old revision of the document!

Arch Linux and Xmega support in avr-gcc

Unfortunately, the latest version of GCC does not support Atmel chips properly out-of-the-box. The only fix is to use an older version of the compiler and patch the heck out of it. The latest compiler does not support the newer Xmega series of chips at all. As Arch Linux only cares about version numbers, the default gcc-avr packages are broken as they do not contain the necessary patches. A bug report exists for the issue, but it has not been addressed as the required versions of gcc and binutils are rather dated.

The solution is to build the three packages manually while applying Atmel's patches.

To build the packages, first download the modified PKGBUILDs:

Tell pacman to ignore updates to these packages by adding the following to /etc/pacman.conf:

# ignore specific avr packages
IgnorePkg = binutils-avr gcc-avr avr-libc

Now, ensure the broken Arch packages are not installed:

# pacman -R avr-libc gcc-avr binutils-avr

Finally, build and install the packages:

$ mkdir binutils-avr
$ cp binutils-avr.*.pkgbuild binutils-avr/PKGBUILD
$ cd binutils-avr
$ makepkg -si
$ cd ..
$ mkdir gcc-avr
$ cp gcc-avr.*.pkgbuild gcc-avr/PKGBUILD
$ cd gcc-avr
$ makepkg -si
$ cd ..
$ mkdir avr-libc
$ cp avr-libc.*.pkgbuild avr-libc/PKGBUILD
$ cd avr-libc
$ makepkg -si

Finally, start coding for Xmega!