====== MySQL backup to disk ====== This script wraps mysqldump to efficiently back up and compress multiple databases to flat files. It supports different passwords and different hosts for each database and a fallback default to simplify configuration if all of the databases are in the same place. The easiest way to run the script nightly is to use cron, either with a crontab or a reference (link or script) in /etc/cron.daily. ===== mysql-backup ===== #!/bin/sh # Databases db_list="site_wp" # Defaults default_db="" default_host="localhost" default_user="mysql-backup" default_password="1337-pa33w0rd" # example #db_dbname_db="dbname" #db_dbname_host="localhost" #db_dbname_user="bob" #db_dbname_password="supersecret" # site WP db_site_wp_db="site_wp" # Directories #output_dir=. output_dir=/var/backup/mysql # End of edit section # vars to copy vars="db host user password" # Process databases for dbi in $db_list do echo "Backing up DB $dbi" for var in $vars do eval val=$`echo db_${dbi}_${var}` if [ -n "$val" ] ; then eval $var=${val} else eval $var=$`echo default_${var}` fi done mysqldump --opt --host=$host --user=$user --password=$password --compress $db | bzip2 > $output_dir/$dbi.sql.bz2 done